miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

Telling people to avoid all sunshine is very dim



a.     False. “For millennia, men and women have existed on the Earth courtesy of the life-giving properties of our neighbourhood star without needing to be told that too much sun is bad for them. In recent years, advice about covering up, wearing a hat and applying sunscreen has become commonplace.”
b. True. “These have become increasingly prevalent as more people travel overseas to climates where they are unused to the intensity of the sun. A friendly reminder of the dangers of excessive exposure seems perfectly reasonable in such cases.”
c. False. “ people will simply not take seriously advice that they know to be preposterous and which defies common sense.”
d. True. “. People need sunshine to produce Vitamin D, without which they can develop rickets (which is on the rise in this country).”

Question 2

a. They say that all exposures to the sun are dangerous no matter how long they might be and that a certain amount of suntan lotion is convenient every sunny day you go out.
b. Most people do not usually follow recommendations that they consider absurd and contrary to reason, and this appears to be one of them.

Question 3

a.  Undermine / to undermine
b. Commonplace
c. Ventures / to venture
d. Defies / to defy
e. Level-headed

Question 4

a. Sinshine is needed to produce Vitamin D, without which rickets can be developped.
b. If the number of skin cancers linked to sunburn hadn’t increased, we wouldn’t have to protect our skin from the sun.
c. The expert said that at the time, doctors weren’t sure what the optimal level of vitamin D was and  that a lot of research was being done in the area.”

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