jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Rephrasing - Reported speech 1

Rewrite the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
1. 'What do you think of the college?'
She asked .........................................  .
2. 'I'll call you later tonight,' Keith promised.
 Keith promised that ................................................  .
3. 'I didn't break the window,' said the boy.
 The boy denied..................................................... 
4. 'Why don't you come this evening?'
 She suggested........................................................ .
5. 'You look really tired,' he told her.
 He said .......................................................  .
6. 'You must do your homework tonight.' the teacher said.
 The teacher told ......................................................  .
7. 'What's your name?' he asked.          
 He asked ........................................................  .
8. 'I might be late for work.' he told me.
 He told ........................................................  .
9.‘Please don’t smoke in here!’  the waiter said to the customers.
 The waiter told......................................................
10. ‘Will it be alright to come over tomorrow?’ he wanted to know.
He wanted........................................................................
11. ‘What has she been doing while I was out?’ asked Susan
 Susan asked.........................................................................
12. ‘Who ate the last piece of cake?’ Sue asked.
Sue asked............................................................................................
13. ‘The students were standing outside the classroom, waiting for the teacher to arrive.’ commented Graham.
Graham commented............................................................................
14. ‘I’ve been thinking about buying a car’, said James.

James said that.............................................................................

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