jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Clauses of Result

Traffic in Abu Dhabi

Match the sentences.

1 One result is that

2 There are several reasons for

3 Due to the fact that Abu Dhabi is a small island,

4 Another factor

5 One factor which has contributed to

6 Many drivers suffer from stress

7 The wealth of the country is also

8 Several factors are responsible

a is the rapid growth of the population

b space is limited

c as a result of the traffic jams

d the city’s traffic problem is the number of taxis

e a lot of time is spent traveling to work each day

f for traffic problems in abu dhabi

g a factor

h the level of traffic congestion in Abu Dhabi


1.      E
2.      H
3.      B
4.      A
5.      D
6.      C
7.      G

8.      F

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