jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Is your brain male or female?

Question 1

            a) False.” Professor Alice Roberts and I sit on different sides of the fence.”
            b) False.” I believe that our brains, like our bodies, are shaped by exposure to hormones in the womb.”

            c) True. “ the BBC's Horizon programme asked us to go and explore the science, put forward research that would support our different views, but also look for common ground.”
            d) True: We are all a mix of the two…. though there are plenty of exceptions.”

Question 2

a)The writer thinks that the diffrences between male and female brains are not only due to the action of hormones but also to the how society behaves towards the two sexes. 
b) She fears that the results of the tests may lead girls to choose studies far from the scientific world where, apparently, they are worse than men.

Question 3
 a) significant                                b) to tend to
c)on average                                 d) to support

Question 4
 a) BBC Horizon asked if there were really significant differences between the sexes and if those differences mattered.
 b)We were asked to go and explore the science by the BBC’s Horizon programme.
 c) If people didn’t believe that men are better than women at some tasks, women wouldn´t earn 20% less than men.

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