jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Clauses of result

Translate the following sentences into English

  1. Hay tanta contaminación aquí que no se puede respirar bien.
  2. Era una obra de teatro tan buena que fue a verla otra vez.
  3. Era una pianista tan maravillosa que se hizo mundialmente famosa.
  4. La sorpresa fue tan grande que lloré.
  5. Eran unos coches tan caros que nadie los compraba.
  6. Era un orador tan brillante que se ganaba la vida haciendo discursos.
  7. Había sido un día tan agotador que me fui a la cama pronto.
  8. Llevaban unos sombreros tan cursis que todo el mundo se reía de ellas.
  9. Es un escritor tan bueno que todo el mundo la admira.
  10. Era una estudiante tan brillante que era siempre la primera en los exámenes.
  11. Es un futbolista tan bueno que va a jugar en el Manchester United.
  12. Había una niebla tan espesa que tuvimos que ir conduciendo muy despacio.
  13. Es un hotel tan caro que no creo que podamos pagarlo.
  14. Era un conductor tan temerario que tuvo un accidente.

  1. There is such thick pollution here we can’t breathe properly.
  2. It was such a good play that she went back to see it again.
  3. She was such a wonderful pianist that she became world-famous.
  4. It was such a big surprise that I cried.
  5. They were such expensive cars nobody bought them.
  6. He was such a brilliant speaker that he earned his living making speeches.
  7. It had been such a tiring day that I went to bed early.
  8. They were wearing such silly hats everybody laughed at them.
  9. She’s such a good writer everybody admires her.
  10. She was such a brilliant student she always came first in exams.
  11. He’s such a good football player that he is going to play for Manchester United.
  12. It was such thick fog that we had to drive very slowly.
  13. It’s such an expensive hotel I don’t think we can afford it.
  14. He was such a careless driver that he had an accident.

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