martes, 26 de enero de 2021

Saying numbers 2


Fractions and decimals

1 ¼    one and a quarter

1 ½    one and a half

1 1/3   one and a third

1 ¾    one and three quarters

1.25    one point two five

1.5     one point five

1.35    one point three five



25% twenty five per cent

More than 50% is the majority, less than 50% is the minority.



There are four basic processes for working out (calculating) a problem

+= addition             2+3 =5  two and/plus three equals/is five

-=substraction 5-2=3    five minus two equals/is three

X= multiplication       3x2=6 three times/ multiply by two equals/is six

÷= division              6÷2=3  six divided by two equals/is three


How do you say these numbers? Write your answers


1.    3 ½

2.    8 ¾

3.    67%

4.    4+7=11

5.    5x3=15

6.    60÷15=4

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