martes, 12 de enero de 2021



1. Form collocations by adding make or do to the words below. 

1. …………………… the cooking

2. …………………… progress

3. …………………… the gardening

4. …………………… sense of

5. …………………… a mess

6. …………………… an effort

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the collocations from the exercise above.

1. I can’t ………………………………… these instructions. Do you understand them?

2. My dad loves to ………………………. He’s even growing vegetables this year.

3. If you …………………………………… , please tidy up afterwards.

4. If Jane’s …………………………………… tonight, it will be an excellent meal.

5. I …………… a lot of ……………… on my history project today. I think I’ll finish 

it tomorrow.

6. He ………………………………… to learn some German before he went to Berlin.


1. do 4. make

2. make 5. make

3. do 6. make

2 1. make sense of 4. doing the cooking

2. do the gardening 5. made ... progress

3. make a mess 6. made an effort

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