martes, 12 de enero de 2021


Do you understand these abbreviations? Write them out in full

1. BA

2. BSc

3. MA

4. Dip.

5. Prof

6. Univ.

7. max.

8. min

9. VAT

10. vol.

11. maths.

12. Capt

13. m.p.h.

14. m.p.g.

15. Eng.

16. govt.

17. Ltd.

18. Co

19. EEC


1. Bachelor of Arts

2. Bachelor of Science

3. Master of Arts

4. Diploma

5. Professor

6. University

7. maximum

8. minimum

9. Value Added Tax

10. volume

11. mathematics

12. captain

13. miles per hour

14. miles per gallon

15. England

16. government

17. Limited

18. Company

19. European Economic Community

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