martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Student life: the problem with procrastination


Question 1
a.  True: I thrive on pressure.
b.  False: I’m not normally one of those ‘I’ll just watch television all day' students. I like to get things done.
c. False: if you thought this was an inexhaustible list of tasks, you'd be wrong. On Monday evening, I found, to my horror, that there was nothing left to do.
d. True: somehow tidying up seems more appealing

Question 2
a. Go for a run. Evening walk to the library.
b. All the pointless tasks were already done.

Question 3
a. face
b. bin
c. feat
d. crucial
e. grasp
Question 4
a. Eleanor said: “I did everything this Monday”.
b. I had even organized my socks.
c. My clothes rail could be reordered, my bookcase tidied and ordered.

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