martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Baby turtle washed up after storms

      A baby turtle washed ashore during the recent storms is recovering in a special tank at Bristol Aquarium. The loggerhead turtle was found by a member of the public at Freshwater West in Pembrokeshire.

    Nicknamed 'Stormy', the turtle is 17cm (6.7in) long and is thought to have begun life in the Caribbean or Mexico.

     Bristol Aquarium, says Stormy "was very poorly indeed" when he arrived, but they are "cautiously optimistic" he will make a full recovery. The man who found Stormy last Thursday contacted a local animal rescue group which gave the turtle some treatment before transporting him to Bristol on Friday.

     Young loggerheads migrate with the warmer waters of the Atlantic circulating in a current of water known as the North Atlantic Gyre which is rich in their favourite food of jellyfish and squid. But, it is thought, on this occasion a severe storm pushed the baby turtle further and further north.

True or false?

1. The turtle was caught in a storm.
2. A child found the turtle.
3. Stormy is unlikely to recover.
4. The turtle was found in Bristol.
5. Loggerhead turtles usually live in warm water.
6. The rescue group looked after the turtle.
7. The turtle was too far north.
8. Turtles are the favourite food of jellyfish.

Match the words below to their definitions

aquarium / contacted / current / migrate / nickname / public

all of the ordinary people who live in a place
building where fish are kept so that people can see them
friendly name that people use instead of your real name
got in touch with someone by phoning them or sending them an email
natural flow of water
when an animal moves from one place to another place because of the time of year

Which word or phrase means the same as the one in italics?

1. optimistic
a) the same as worried
b) the same as thankful
c) the same as hopeful

2. poorly
a) the same as cheap
b) the same as sick
c) the same as healthy

3. severe
a) the same as sudden
b) the same as bad
c) the same as quiet

4. begun
a) the same as started
b) the same as finished
c) the same as continued


True or false

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. False


aquarium building where fish are kept so that people can see them
contacted got in touch with someone by phoning them or sending them an email
current natural flow of water
migrate when an animal moves from one place to another place because of the time of year
nickname friendly name that people use instead of your real name
public all of the ordinary people who live in a place

Which word or phrase means the same as the one in italics?

1. c) the same as hopeful
2. b) the same as sick
3. b) the same as bad
4. a) the same as started

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