viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

World tallest building opens in Dubai (Carnival)


Question 1

a. False. “The height of the 828-metre Burj Khalifa was kept a secret until the opening ceremony.”
b. False. “Dubai’s ruler announced it would now be called Burj Khalifa after the ruler of Abu Dhabi, Dubai’s neighbour.”
c. True. “The chairman of the company that built the Burj, Mohamed Alabbar, said the building gives "hope and optimism".
d. False. “……there seems to be little appetite for ambitious construction projects from property developers.”

Question 2

a. The building has got the name of Burj Khalifa. This man is the president of Abu Dhabi, next to Dubai and this country helped Dubai when they were going through very serious financial problems.
b. Inside the building there will be elegant apartments, a hotel, offices, a swimming pool and a mosque.

Question 3

a. collapse b. gradual c. appetite

Question 4

a. People had always called the building Burj Dubai.
b. Mohamed Alabbar said that the world had gone through difficult times. That was the beginning of a gradual move forward.
c. Although there is no appetite for construction projects, the Burj´s owners are confident the building will be a success.

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