sábado, 24 de abril de 2010


a) False. Supermarkets in the UK now sell much more than food.
b) True. You can…pay bills….
c) False. ..the supermarket giant Tesco
d) True. ..the phrase ‘cashback’ has also been observed as an exclamation of joy or satisfaction

2 a) When people pay for the things they have bought using a debit card, they pay more and receive the difference between the cost of the things and the amount in money.
b) The shop has less money in the tills and has to take less money to the bank, which means that the bank charges them less.

3 a) chores
b) a discount
c) to cut out

4 a) Customers are given points and discounts when they use ‘ cashback ‘.
b) Tesco said that the system eased busy shoppers’ lives because they had to visit the bank less frequently.
c) If you own a loyalty card, you are given points and discounts.

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