viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

The environment

Question 1
a) False. The Loughborough University study asked 500 people whether they would be willing not to fly in the next 12 months
b) False. Just 26 per cent of people were willing to forego air travel. In comparison 88 per cent of people were willing to cut the amount of energy they use in the home.
c) True. Obviously households are on a tight budget at the moment because of the recession
d True. The Government's adviser on climate change has warned that if growth in flights was left unchecked emissions from global aviation could account for 15 to 20 per cent of all CO2 produced in 2050.
Question 2 (2 points)
a) People are turning off lights and putting on sweaters. They do not turn on the central heating.
b) Passengers in economy class will have to pay £30 more in tax when they fly from the UK to Australia.
Question 3 (1.5 points)
a) forego
b) household
c) unchecked
Question 4 (1.5 points)
a) Dr Ryley said that obviously households were on a tight budget at the moment because of the recession but that they would not give up air travel easily.
b) The research claims that if the government wants to persuade people to fly less, fares will have to go up by £50 or more.
c) .The rise in tax on short distance flights will we lower than the increase in tax on long-haul trips.

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