viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Is Wi-Fi bad for you?


Question 1
a) FALSE “The rapid spread of the networks has been accompanied by negligible research into the potential risks.”
b) TRUE “and recommended that schools stop installing them until research declares them safe”
c) FALSE “Sir William Stewart's report in 2000 concluded there was no firm evidence to show mobile phone radiation was a health risk”
d) TRUE “There are reasons to believe Wi-Fi networks are safer than mobile phones. Because they only have to transmit a few tens of metres,”

Question 2
a) Children shouldn’t be exposed to radio waves as their brains have not completely developed yet. What’s more, it has been observed that children tend to misbehave in class.
b) The PTA has asked for a study to see what the dangers of radiation are. They also advise school not to set up wireless networks until they are proved to be safe.

Question 3
a) concern
b) firm
c) exposure
Question 4
a) Negligible research into the potential risks has accompanied the rapid spread of the networks.
b) Although there was no firm evidence to show mobile phone radiation was a health risk, the report recommended children use them sparingly.
c) Graham Philips stated that they were seeing levels of behavioural problems increase in the classroom.

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