sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

The Gran Canyon walkway


Question 1
a) TRUE “The walkway is said to be able to survive winds of more than 100mph”
FALSE “Mark Johnson, the architect, said the Skywalk could hold the weight of several hundred people.”
b) TRUE “the project has split the impoverished 2,200-strong Hualapai tribe”
c) TRUE “Havatone, 46, a tour guide and member of the tribe, said most of the Hualapai were opposed”

Question 2
a) The workers had nightmares because they were building the walkway in the land where her ancestors are buried and as a consequence they had been disturbed.
b) The walkway is a safe place because it has been built in such a way, with thick glass and shock absorbers, that it can resist severe weather conditions and even earthquakes.

Question 3
a) lure
b) split
c) claim

Question 4
a) The indian tribe is being given the walkway by David Jin.
b) They blend into the ground where our people died.
c) If it weren’t spiritual ground they wouldn’t be awakened.

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