martes, 2 de marzo de 2021



Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1. “The exhibition is going to open next week,” the museum guide announced.

2. “Take your dirty shoes off now,” my sister ordered me.

3. “We never read those books from the library,” the students admitted.

4. “My assistant sent the letter last month,” the manager said.

5. “Call the office about this problem tomorrow,” said the secretary.

6. “Tom broke his leg on this pavement yesterday,” Jack said.

7. “Can I put the package here?” asked the delivery boy.


1. The museum guide announced that the exhibition was going to open the following week / the week after.

2. My sister ordered me to take my dirty shoes off then.

3. The students admitted that they never read those books from the library.

4. The manager said that his assistant had sent the letter the previous month / the month before.

5. The secretary told me to call the office about that problem the following day / the next day / the day after.

6. Jack said that Tom had broken his leg on that pavement the previous day / the day before.

7. The delivery boy asked if he could put the package there.

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