martes, 30 de marzo de 2021


Translate the following sentences
1. Yo habría bebido eso si hubiera tenido sed.
2. Si me hubiera teñido el pelo de azul todo el mundo se habría reído de mí.
3. Si yo lo hubiera sabido te lo habría dicho.
4. ¿Qué habría sucedido si hubieras apretado ese botón?
5. El periódico no habría publicado la historia si no hubiera sido verdad.
6. Te habría prestado dinero si hubieras necesitado algo.
7. Si yo hubiera terminado el libro te lo habría mandado.
8. Si tu perro me hubiera mordido yo me habría enfadado mucho.
9. Yo habría traído el abrigo si hubiera hecho frío.
10. Si ella hubiera practicado más habría llegado a ser campeona.

1. I would have drunk that if I had been thirsty.
2. If I had dyed my hair blue everybody would have laughed at me.
3. If I had known it I would have told you.
4. What would have happened if you had pressed that button?
5. The newspaper wouldn’t have printed the story if it hadn’t been true.
6. I would have lent you money if you had needed something.
7. If I had finished the book I would have sent it to you.
8. If your dog had bitten me, I would have got very angry.
9. I would have brought my coat if it had been cold.
10. If she had practised more, she would have become a champion.

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