martes, 16 de marzo de 2021


 Combine the sentences using a non-defining clause. Make any necessary changes.

1. Pizza is one of my favourite foods. It is quite fattening.

2. Her red shoes are very uncomfortable. She bought them on sale.

3. Magazine models are always tall and beautiful. They appear in advertisements.

4. Dr Roth is very kind. He has a clinic in town.

5. My phone has great sound. It contains all my favourite music.


1. Pizza, which is one of my favourite foods, is quite fattening.

2. Her red shoes, which she bought on sale, are very uncomfortable.

3. Magazine models, who are always tall and beautiful, appear in advertisements. / Magazine models, who appear in advertisements, are always tall and beautiful.

4. Dr Roth, who is very kind, has a clinic in town. / Dr Roth, who has a clinic in town, is very kind.

5. My phone, which has great sound, contains all my favourite music. / My phone, which contains all my favourite music, has great sound.

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