martes, 30 de marzo de 2021

Batch cooking on rise, as families sabe money in kitchen


Families are increasingly cooking in bulk in order to save money, figures suggest.

      Returning to old-fashioned good housekeeping, which served previous generations so well, many cooks are batchcooking – creating large casseroles, soups or pies that can feed a family throughout the week. Not only does buying the ingredients in quantity tend to save money, but less waste is usually created.

     Sales of extra-large bags of potatoes and big packs of mince have increased strongly according to both Morrisons and Asda, the supermarket groups. Sales of freezer bags have also performed very well.

     Morrisons calculates that sales of pre-packed beef mince has increasedby 28 per cent over the last year, while King Edward potatoes have climbed by 10 per cent. Freezer bag sales have also increased by 8.3 per cent compared to this time last year.

     A survey, conducted by the supermarket, suggested that 69 per cent of consumers are now cooking in large batches.

    Asda sales figures reveal that while small packs of mince have fallen by 15 per cent, large packs have increased by 3 per cent, suggesting that families are prepared to stock up on large amounts of ingredients in order to save money.

     Sales of its largest bags of potatoes – 2.5kg, the biggest it offers – have increased by 11.5 per cent. Because of this jump in sales the supermarket tested out selling 10kg bags at £1 and sold 80, 000 bags in a weekend.

     Angus Maciver, marketing director of Morrison, said: "The sales figures show a real shift in consumer behaviour compared to this time last year as shoppers are actively trying to cut back on food waste to make the most out of their weekly shop.

     "It's encouraging to see that our shoppers are reverting to traditional cooking methods in a bid to save money."


Re write the following sentences by using the words in brackets and without changing the meaning

a)    Families are cooking in bulk in order to save money. (so that)

b)    Batchcooking can feed a family throughout the week. (A family…)

c)     Not only does buying the ingredients in quantity tend to save money, but less waste is usually created. (The more…)

d)    Families are saving money because they are stocking up large amounts of ingredients. (If families were not…)

e)    The supermarket tested out selling 10kg bags at £1. (which)

       f)      Angus Maciver said: "The sales figures show a real shift in our consumers behaviour.” (He said that…)

g)    "It's encouraging to see that our shoppers are reverting to traditional cooking methods" (He stated that…)




a)    Families are cooking in bulk so that they can save money.

b)    A family can be fed throughtout the week by batchcooking.

c)     The more ingredients people buy, the more money they save and the less waste they create.

d)    If families were not stocking up large amounts of ingredients, they would not be saving money.

e)    The supermarket tested out selling 10kg bags, which they sold at £1.

f)      Angus Maciver said that the sales figures showed a real shift in their customers behaviour.

g)    He stated that it was encouraging to see that their shoppers were reverting to traditional cooking methods.



✅ TOP 10: Things To Do In Brighton

     Watch the video and answer the questions below     
1- Where is Brighton located?
2- Can you name three species you can see in the aquarium?             
3-     Who used to spend his summer holiday at the Royal Pavilion?   
4- What can you do if you visit The Lanes?
5- What is there in the Palace Pier nowadays?
6- Apart from visiting animals, what else can you do at Drusillas Park?
7- Where is Brighton Museum located? 
8- Name three different collections of art exposed in the museum
9- Where is big Yacht Harbour in Brighton?                          
10- Can you see any differences between Brighton and Santander beaches?
11- Apart from having a walk, what other activities can you enjoy on the beach?
12- What is the British Airways Tower?


1. On the South coast of England
2. Zebra sharks, starfish, stingray, starfish... 
3. The Prince of Wales 
4. You can have a coffee, go shopping, enjoy vintage buildings...
5. A big amusement park with a lot of attractions and rides 
6. There are theme play areas where you can experience different adventures, for example splash games.
7. In the Royal Pavilion Garden, the cultural quarter of the city 
8. Science, costumes, toys, art, decoration...
9. Brighton Marina
10. Brighton is a pebble beach rather than a sand beach.
11. Volley , tennis, kite surfing...
12. It is a touristic ride from where you can watch the most emblematic landmarks of the city

Mobile phones at school


Nowadays _____________________(1)__________________________. While I believe that ____________________(2)___________________________, I am strongly opposed to _________________(3)______________________________.

Firstly, ___________________(4)____________________________. Therefore, ___________________(5)____________________________.

Furthermore, ____________________(6)___________________________. For example, ____________________(7)___________________________.

On the other hand, ____________________(8)___________________________. Moreover, ____________________(9)___________________________.

In conclusion, ________________(10)_______________________________. However,  _____________________(11)__________________________.

1)    all phones should certainly be turned off during lessons

2)    I feel that students should be allowed to take mobile phones to school for use in an emergency

3)    if a parent has to work late, the student has to be told if arrangements have been made for a relative or neighbour to look after them

4)    it is important for them to have a mobile phone in case they need help or have an accident on the way to school or home

5)    many students travel to and from school without their parents

6)    more and more students bring their mobile phones to school

7)    nothing is more disruptive during a lesson than the sound of a mobile phone ringing or playing an annoying tune

8)    parents who work may need to contact their children

9)    students who send and receive text messages in class are not paying attention to the lesson

10) that students should carry mobile phones in case of an emergency

11) to phones being used at school, particularly in the classroom.



Mobile phones at school


Nowadays more and more students bring their mobile phones to school. While I believe that students should carry mobile phones in case of an emergency, I am strongly opposed to phones being used at school, particularly in the classroom.

Firstly, many students travel to and from school without their parents. Therefore, it is important for them to have a mobile phone in case they need help or have an accident on the way to school or home.

Furthermore, parents who work may need to contact their children. For example, if a parent has to work late, the student has to be told if arrangements have been made for a relative or neighbour to look after them.

On the other hand, nothing is more disruptive during a lesson than the sound of a mobile phone ringing or playing an annoying tune. Moreover, students who send and receive text messages in class are not paying attention to the lesson.

In conclusion, I feel that students should be allowed to take mobile phones to school for use in an emergency. However, all phones should certainly be turned off during lessons.


Dream Job Alert: You Can Get Paid Around $30 An Hour To Eat Candy

If your ideal workday is sitting around, eating candy, and judging, well, I have great news for you! This is an actual job that exists, you can get paid serious cash to do it, and more than one person will get the honor! It's all thanks to Candy Funhouse.

The company is hiring part-time and full-time "Candyologists," AKA Candy and Chocolate Taste Testers to help the company try out and narrow down which candies will be a part of the first-ever Candy Funhouse branded candy line. The line will feature 10 candies, but they'll first need to be narrowed down from hundreds of options. That's where you come in!

If you want the job, you should have "enthusiasm and eagerness to try confectionery products," and "consider aspects of taste, texture, and quality." You'll then have to write a brief, two-sentence description for each product tested. Basically, you have to really love candy and be willing to be a little judgy about it. DONE. Oh, and applicants who have an interest in candy, pop culture, and media will be given preference. Even better!!

Best of all this job PAYS. Like, pays WELL. The full-time position will net you $30 an hour, according to the Indeed listing, though you'll have to go to work in person, in Mississauga, ON, Canada. However, the part-time position requires 15 hours a week that can be done from home and you'll still earn $26 an hour. Two people will have the opportunity to be full-time employees, while they're choosing eight people to take the role part-time, according to a press release.

You have until February 15, 2021, to apply . Applicants have to have a high school diploma and be a citizen of the U.S. or Canada to apply. You can see more application instructions on each job posting. GOOD LUCK!

Question 1: [2 POINTS] Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE and write down the sentences or part of the text that justifies your answer.

1.     Funhouse is creating a new line of sweets.

2.     You will need to have basic writing skills.

3.     Only Canadian people will be able to apply for the position.

4.     It is necessary to have a degree to apply for this job.

Question 2 [2 POINTS] Answer the following questions in your own words.

1.     Why does the company need candy testers?

2.     What does the job imply?

Question 3: [1,5 POINTS] Find words or phrases in the text that correspond to the words and definitions given. 

a)    real (par.1)

b)    employ (par.2)

c)     limit (par.2)

d)    keenness (par.3)

e)    request, ask for  (par.5)





Question 1.

1.     True. " company try out and narrow down which candies will be a part of the first-ever Candy Funhouse branded candy line."

2.     True. " ." You'll then have to write a brief, two-sentence description for each product tested."

3.     False. " Applicants have to have a high school diploma and be a citizen of the U.S. or Canada to apply."

4.     False. " Applicants have to have a high school diploma..."

                Question 2.

1.     They need these people to try and evaluate a series of sweets so that from a lot of candies only ten will be selected for their new line of candies.

2.     The job implies taking into account some aspects of the sweets when trying them. They also ask you to write a short note describing the sweet.

  Question 3.

a)     actual

b)    hiring / to hire

c)     to narrow down

d)    eagerness

e)    to apply for

So that

Complete each sentence with so that and a clause 

1. I’ll wear my coat …………………

2. 2. We took a map with us …………..

3. We started to work early ……………………

4. I’m saving money ………………………..

5. I gave you the money ………………………..

6. We’ll take a camera with us……………………….

7. I didn’t make any noise……………………..

8. We took some food with us…………………………..

we could finish early

we wouldn’t be hungry on the trip

nobody would hear me

we can take some photographs while we are there

I won’t be cold

I can afford to go on holiday next July

We wouldn’t get lost on the journey

You could get a taxi home


1. I’ll wear my coat so that I won’t be cold

2. 2. We took a map with us so that we wouldn’t get lost on the journey

3. We started to work early so that we could finish early

4. I’m saving money so that I can afford to go on holiday next July

5. I gave you the money so that you could get a taxi home

6. We’ll take a camera with us so that we can take some photographs while we are there

7. I didn’t make any noise so that nobody would hear me

8. We took some food with us so that we wouldn’t be hungry on the trip

Problem solving


Read and answer the question.

There are four cars in the carpark. 

The red car is four metres long. 

The blue one is ten centimetres shorter than the red one. 

The black one is 20 centimetres longer than the blue one, and the green is 15 cm shorter than the black one.

Which of the four cars is the longest? ……………………………………..


The black one is


Translate the following sentences
1. Yo habría bebido eso si hubiera tenido sed.
2. Si me hubiera teñido el pelo de azul todo el mundo se habría reído de mí.
3. Si yo lo hubiera sabido te lo habría dicho.
4. ¿Qué habría sucedido si hubieras apretado ese botón?
5. El periódico no habría publicado la historia si no hubiera sido verdad.
6. Te habría prestado dinero si hubieras necesitado algo.
7. Si yo hubiera terminado el libro te lo habría mandado.
8. Si tu perro me hubiera mordido yo me habría enfadado mucho.
9. Yo habría traído el abrigo si hubiera hecho frío.
10. Si ella hubiera practicado más habría llegado a ser campeona.

1. I would have drunk that if I had been thirsty.
2. If I had dyed my hair blue everybody would have laughed at me.
3. If I had known it I would have told you.
4. What would have happened if you had pressed that button?
5. The newspaper wouldn’t have printed the story if it hadn’t been true.
6. I would have lent you money if you had needed something.
7. If I had finished the book I would have sent it to you.
8. If your dog had bitten me, I would have got very angry.
9. I would have brought my coat if it had been cold.
10. If she had practised more, she would have become a champion.

lunes, 29 de marzo de 2021

This is a list of vocabulary items related to April Fool's Day 

April Fool

1. A trick played on someone on April Fools' Day, or the person who is tricked

2. Said on April Fools' Day when you have tricked someone

April Fool's Day
Also Called All Fool's Day. It is on the first of April every year. People can play tricks, practical jokes and hoaxes on each other on this day.

A person who behaves in a silly way without thinking or someone who doesn't understand what's happening around him/her

A plan to deceive someone, such as telling the police there is a bomb somewhere when there is not one, or a trick:

The bomb threat turned out to be a hoax

easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say:

There are any number of miracle cures on the market for people gullible enough to buy them

Play a joke (on someone)
(Also play a trick on someone.) Do something funny (an amusing trick) that is done in order to make people laugh and that another person doesn't suspect at first.

Practical joke
A playful trick that usually puts the receiver in an embarrassing position.

A trick that is intended to be amusing but not to cause harm or damage:

When I was at school we were always playing pranks on our teachers.
I've had enough of your childish pranks


Someone who performs pranks on people

Spoof story
It is a story that's not true, presented as though it were real.

Do the exercise below on the vocabulary related to April Fool's Day and click on the button to check your answers.

Choose the right words:

fool / cracks / play / celebrated / practical / trick / gullible / hoax / prank / prankster

1.April Fools' Day is a day to…………………jokes on people.
2.This is the day when you try to make your friends believe something that isn't true and if they believe it you're supposed to say April…………………..
3.April Fools' Day is………………… many countries around the world. In Poland, for example, the tradition is to get people wet by pouring water on them.
4.A…………………..joke is a ……………………..that usually puts the receiver in an embarrassing position.
5.Another word for practical joke is……………………….
6.He is……………………………….enough to believe anything you tell him.
7.A…………………….is an attempt to trick a person into believing that something false is real.
8.A………………………… someone who performs pranks on people.
9.He is very funny. He always……………………………..jokes.

And now you can read more about April Fool’s Day and answer the questions below

April Fool's Day

April Fool’s Day, sometimes called All Fool's Day, is on the first of April every year. People can play practical jokes. That's why you shouldn't believe what is said to you and you should be doubtful of the people around you on this day. Someone might change the time on another person's alarm to make him wake up very early or very late. Or she / he may put a lot of pepper in another's food. Of course all this is done just for fun. when the trick is played people say "April Fool" to make the poor person realize that it was just a joke.

Some of the well known and most successful pranks or practical jokes were on the media - television, radio stations, newspapers... For instance, a BBC television program ran a famous hoax in 1957, showing Italians harvesting spaghetti from trees. A large number of people contacted the BBC wanting to know how to cultivate spaghetti trees. In 2008, the BBC again reported on a newly discovered colony of flying penguins showing people walking with the penguins in Antarctica, and following their flight to the Amazon rainforest.


1.April Fool's Day is also called Fool's Day ?
a. True
b. False

2.On this day
a. you must be suspicious about what people around you say or do
b. You should wake up early in order not to be hoaxed

3.After you play a trick on someone
a. say April Fool
b. say April Fool's Day

4.After the announcement of the BBC "spaghetti documentary"
a. people believed the piece of news
b. people called the BBC to complain about being hoaxed


1.April Fools' Day is a day to playjokes on people. .
2.This is the day when you try to make your friends believe something that isn't true and if they believe it you're supposed to say April fool .
3.April Fools' Day is celebratedin many countries around the world. In Poland, for example, the tradition is to get people wet by pouring water on them.
4.A practical joke is a playful trick that usually puts the receiver in an embarassing position.
5.Another word for practical joke is prank .
6.He is gullibleenough to believe anything you tell him.
7.A hoax is an attempt to trick a person into believing that something false is real
8.A prankster is someone who performs pranks on people..
9.He is very funny. He always cracks jokes

KEY for the Reading

1. False (it is also called All Fool's Day) - b

2. you must be suspicious about what people around you say or do - a

3. say April Fool - a

4. people believed the piece of news - a

martes, 16 de marzo de 2021

Loch Ness Monster: How 'unidentified’ DNA was found in Scottish Highland waters.

    The mystery  of the so-called Loch Ness Monster may be one step closer to being solved after a scientist found “unidentified” DNA in the waters of the Scottish Highlands.

    Nessie is a folklore creature, said to inhabit the waters of Loch Ness, Scotland, and has gained worldwide attention for almost a century due to several bizarre sightings. It is often described as large in size with a long neck and one or more humps protruding from the water, yet physical evidence is scarce. The scientific community regards the Loch Ness Monster as a phenomenon without biological basis, explaining sightings as hoaxes, wishful thinking, and the misidentification of mundane objects. 

    But Dr Neil Gemmell, from the University of Otago, threw that opinion up in the air after his research team from New Zealand extracted genetic samples at different depths all over the loch in a bid to establish what lives within. The findings were bizarre, to say the least.

    Dr Gemmell in 2019: “There is a very significant amount of eel DNA. “We can't discount the possibility that what people see and believe is the Loch Ness Monster might be a giant eel. “'Divers have claimed that they've seen eels that are as thick as their legs in the loch, whether they're exaggerating or not, I don't know, but there is a possibility that there are very large eels present in the loch."Whether they are as big as around four metres, as some of these sightings suggest, well, as a geneticist I think about mutations and natural variation a lot, and while an eel that big would be well outside the normal range, it seems not impossible that something could grow to such unusual size.” However, Dr Gemmell also admitted 20 percent of the DNA came back as “unidentified”, leaving the possibility of an unknown creature living in the waters open.

    Nessie hunters say that small “unidentified” amount, is enough to carry on the search.

    Steve Feltham, who holds the Guinness World Record for the longest continuous vigil on the banks of Loch Ness told the Telegraph in 2019: “I’ll keep looking”.“A twelve-year-old boy could have told you that eels live in the loch”. “These scientists are simply out to make a name for themselves”. “The fact is that people have seen large creatures here for years.”

    Despite the setback, amateur investigators kept an almost constant vigil, and in the Sixties several British universities launched expeditions to Loch Ness, using sonar to search the deep. Nothing conclusive was found, but in each expedition the sonar operators detected large, moving underwater objects they could not explain.

Question 1: [2 POINTS] Indicate whether the following statements are true or false and write down which part of the text justifies your answer.

a) Stating you have seen the Loch Ness Monster is considered to be dishonest by the scientific community.

b) The sample test results were surprising.

c) The great part of the DNA might belong to an eel.

d) There must be enormous eels in the lake.

Question 2 [2 POINTS] Answer the following questions in your own words.

a) What does Dr Gemmell study reveal?

b) Does Steve Feltham think Dr Gemmell’s study is important?

Question 3: [1,5 POINTS] Find words or phrases in the text that correspond to the words and definitions given. 

a) Widespread, universal (par. 2)

b) Rare (par.2)

c) Consider (par 2)

d) Huge (par. 4)

e) Average (par 4.)

Question 4: [1,5 POINTS] Choose and write the most suitable answer (A, B, C or D) according to the text and COPY the sentence onto your answer sheet

  1. Nessie has a worldwide attention for almost a century...

A) because several bizarre sightings.

B) because of several bizarre sightings.

C) despite several bizarre sightings.

D) although several bizarre sightings.

2. Dr Gemmell...

A) is sure Nessie is an eel.

B) thinks Nessie could be an eel.

C) thinks Nessie can’t be an eel.

D) thinks Nessie must have been an eel.

3. The study shows that ...

A) most of the DNA found does not correspond to an eel.

B) one fifth of the DNA found corresponds to an eel.

C) one fifth of the DNA found corresponds to Nessie.

D) most of the DNA found corresponds to known creatures.

Question 5: [3 POINTS] Write a short essay (about 120-150 words) on the following topic:

Would you like to study the Loch Ness searching for Nessi?


Question 1

a) False: explaining sightings as hoaxes, wishful thinking, and the misidentification of mundane objects.

b) True: The findings were bizarre, to say the least.

c) False: There is a very significant amount of eel DNA.

d) False: there is a possibility that there are very large eels present in the loch

Question 2

a) Whether they are as big as around four metres, as some of these sightings suggest, well, as a geneticist I think about mutations and natural variation a lot, and while an eel that big would be well outside the normal range, it seems not impossible that something could grow to such unusual size.” However, Dr Gemmell also admitted 20 percent of the DNA came back as “unidentified”, leaving the possibility of an unknown creature living in the waters open.

b)  No. “I’ll keep looking”.“A twelve-year-old boy could have told you that eels live in the loch”. “These scientists are simply out to make a name for themselves”. “The fact is that people have seen large creatures here for years.”

Question 3

a) worldwide

b) scarce

c) regard

d) giant

e) normal

Question 4

1.   b) because of several bizarre sightings.

2.   b) thinks Nessie could be an eel.

3.   d) most of the DNA found corresponds to known creatures.

Problem Solving


a. Read the following information

Last Saturday

Mike and Ruth weren’t together.

Ruth was not at home.

Jan was in Oxford.

Ruth was in Hastings.

Jan was with Mike.

Rick wasn’t with Jan or Nick.

Mike was with two Australian friends.

b. Now use the information to answer these questions

1. Where was Mike last Saturday? He…………………

2. How many people was he with? He ……………..

3. Who were they? They ………………………

4. Were Jan and Ruth together?

5. What nationality is Nick? He ………

6. Who was Ruth with? She……………..

7. Is Jan English or Australian? She……………………………….


1. He was in Oxford.

2. He was with two people-

3. They were Jan and Nick.

4. No, they weren’t.

5. He’s Australian.

6. She wasn’t with anybody/ She was alone

7. She’s Australian.

Shopping in Britain

    When you come to Britain for the first time, it’s important to know something about British shops. In some countries shops close for lunch but in Britain they usually stay open all day. They open at 9.00 a.m. and they close at 5.30 or 6.00 p.m.

British shops and shopping habits are also different from those in other countries. For example, in Britain you can buy postage stamps only at a post office. You can buy cigarettes in many different places (supermarkets, pubs, newsagents and of course tobacconists), but you’ve got to be at least sixteen. You can buy film for your camera at the chemist’s. Most British families don’t buy their milk or newspaper from a shop; a milkman and a paperboy deliver to their houses.

In almost all towns there are pubs, restaurants, fish and chips shops, a pot office, clothes and shoe shops and food shops. Here are some of the best-known shops that you can find in the High Street of a British town. Marks & Spencer is a large clothes and foo supermarket. Boots is another large shop that sells records, household goods, radios and hi-fi, and is also a chemist’s! Lloyds, Barclays are some of the names of British banks. You can change your money here.

Answer these questions

1. Can you buy stamps in a tobacconist’s in Britain?

2. Can you buy cigarettes in a supermarket?

3. Can you buy film in a chemist’s?

4. Can you buy a shirt at Marks & Spencer?

5. Can you buy eggs at Boots?

Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?

1. British shops are usually open at lunch time.

2. Children can’t buy cigarettes in Britain.

3. British people usually buy milk form a shop.

4. Marks & Spencer only sells food.

5. Barcalys is the name os a British bank.


 1. No, I can’t.

2. Yes, I can.

3. Yes, I can.

4. Yes, I can.

5. No, I can’t.

1. True

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. True