jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

Causative HAVE

Translate the following sentences into English

  1. Me he teñido el pelo en la peluquería.
  2. Peter se tatuó el brazo la semana pasada.
  3. Le robaron el bolso ayer.
  4. Me hacen la revisión del coche una vez al año.
  5. Nos van a cavar el jardín.
  6. Un fontanero nos arregló las tuberías y la calefacción central.
  7. Nos pintaron el salón ayer.
  8. A Peter le han instalado la calefacción central.
  9. Me hice un vestido para la boda.
  10. Mañana vacunan a mis hijos.
  11. Me corto el pelo mañana.


  1. I have got my hair dyed at the hairdresser’s.
  2. Peter had his arm tattooed last week.
  3. She got her purse stolen yesterday.
  4. I have my car serviced once a year.
  5. We are going to get the garden dug.
  6. We had the pipes and the central heating fixed by a plumber.
  7. We had our living room painted yesterday.
  8. Peter has got central heating installed.
  9. I had a dress made for the wedding.
  10. I’m going to have my children vaccinated tomorrow.
  11. I’m having my hair cut tomorrow.

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