jueves, 29 de enero de 2015


There are five verbs you can use to translate the Spanish “parecer”. Choose from the ones below
Look (like/alike)
Smell (like/alike)
Feel (like/alike)
Sound (like/alike)
Taste (like/alike)

Translate the following sentences into English

  1. ¡Qué bien huele ese perfume! Parece caro.
  2. ¿A quién se parece tu hermano? Se parece a mi padre.
  3. ¿Oyes esa música? Parece de Mozart.
  4. Esas dos mellizas se parecen mucho.
  5. Esa canción parece inglesa.
  6. Ñam, ñam. Parece zanahoria pero no estoy seguro.
  7. Ese perfume se parece al mío.
  8. La música de ese cantante me parece maravillosa.
  9. Esta tela parece de seda.
  10. Puaf! Parece queso y a mí no me gusta el queso.

  1. How good/nice that perfume smells. It smells expensive.
  2. Who does your brother look like? He looks like my father.
  3. Can you hear that music? It sounds like Mozart’s.
  4. Those twins look very much alike.
  5. That song sounds English.
  6. Yum yum. It tastes like carrot but I’m not sure.
  7. That perfume smells like mine.
  8. That singer’s music sounds beautiful to me.
  9. This fabric/material feels like silk.
  10. Yuck! It tastes like cheese and I don’t like cheese.

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