martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Billy Elliot

Fill in all the gaps after watching the video here.


Man: We shall let you ………………………..  in due course.
Woman: Just one ……………..  question. Can I ask you, Billie? What does it  ……..  …….   when you're ………………. ?
Billie: I don't know. Sort of feels good. ……………….  I get going, then I forget ………….. . I can feel a ……………  in me(my) all body. There's …………….  in me (my) body. Just there, fire like a ………….. , like electricity. Yeah, electricity.

Man: Have a  …………….. journey home. Mr. Elliot, good luck with the……………………. 


know, last, feel like, dancing, once, everything, change, fire, bird, safe, strike.  

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