martes, 15 de diciembre de 2020




 Work it out. Answer these questions

     1.    It’s now the second month of the year.

How many days has the next month got? ………………………

 2.    It’s now the fifth month of the year.

 How many days did last month have? ……………………………


     3.    Today’s Wednesday 30th December?

     On which day of the week does the New Year begin? …………….

4.    Yesterday was Monday the 23rd December.

On which day of the week is Christmas Day? ……………….

5.    You’re going on holiday the day after tomorrow. Today’s Thursday 30th July.

On which day and date will you go on holiday? ………………………….

 6.    Today’s 14th April. Easter Sunday’s in a week’s time.

 Which date will that be? ……………………………………………





1.    31

2.    30

3.    Friday

4.    Wednesday

5.    Saturday 1st August

6.    21st April

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