martes, 15 de diciembre de 2020

Cinema and theatre in London

Watch the video ans answer the questions below

1. Where can you buy your tickets for London theatres?
2. Why do people usually return tickets?
3. How much does a discount ticket for a good seat cost?
4. How many big cinemas are there in Leicester Square?
5. How many of them are IMAX cinemas?
6. How many theatres are there in London West End?
7. How long has “The Mousetrap” been running for?
8. When are cinemas and theatres cheaper?
9. Which is London oldest theatre?
10. Which group is the musical “We Will Rock You” about?


1. Leicester Square
2. Because they can’t go and see it
3. £40
4. 5
5. 2
6. More than 40
7. Nearly 60 years
8. The matinée / 3 or 4 in the afternoon
9. Royal Haymarket
10. Queen

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