martes, 5 de febrero de 2019

The Best a Man Can Get

Watch the adverts and complete the sentences.

2019 Ad

The ……… …………… movement against masculinity is…
  1. Is this the best a man can ……………….. ?
  2. We can’t hide. It’s been going on ……………. too long.
  3. We can’t ………………. it …………….
  4. Making the same ……………… excuses.
  5. Boys …………… …………..boys.
  6. But something finally ………………….
  7. And there will be ………… ……………… …………….
  8. Because we, we ………………. …………. The best in a man.
  9. Men need to ………………. other ……………….. accountable.
  10. To say the ……………… ………………
  11. To act the ……………… ………………
  12. Some already are. But some is not ………………………….
  13. Because the boys ………………………. today will the ……………….. of tomorrow.
  14. It’s only by ……………………………. ourselves to do more that we can get ……………………. to our best.

1989 Ad

  1. You’re looking …………………………
  2. You’re looking …………………………
  3. You’ve come ………….. …………………..
  4. And we know how to make ……….. ………………. of who you are.
  5. Father to son. It’s ………………… we’ve always ……………………….
  6. And so many faces. It’s ………………… to see.
  7. We give you all we ………………… …….. give.
  8. For all a man ………………….. ……………………..
  9. Where the race is from you’re ………… ………………….


  1. Me Too
  2. Get
  3. Far
  4. Laugh off
  5. Old
  6. Will be
  7. Changed
  8. No going back
  9. Believe in
  10. Hold men
  11. Right thing
  12. Right way
  13. Enough
  14. Watching men
  15. Challenging closer

  1. Sharp
  2. Good
  3. So far
  4. The most
  5. What done
  6. Plain
  7. Have to
  8. Can be
  9. The champion

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