martes, 10 de abril de 2018


1. Place the following adjectives in the correct column

bright, deafening, dim, dull, guilty, loud, 
quick, shining, strong, sudden, violent, uneasy

Light Noise Movement Feeling

2. Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective

1. Despite the ……………………………… light, he could see that the figure was a woman.

2. Polly had an ……………………………… feeling that something terrible could happen to her.

3. The strange figure made a ……………………………… movement and then disappeared.

4. There was some ……………………………… music in the bar, but I could still hear what he was saying.

5. The light was so ……………………………… that I had to cover my eyes.

6. There was a ……………………………… sound as the old building collapsed.


Light Noise Movement Feeling
Bright Deafening Quick Guilty
Dim Loud Sudden Strong
Shining Dull Violent Uneasy

  1. Dim
  2. Uneasy
  3. Sudden
  4. Loud
  5. Bright
  6. Deafening

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