martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Parents failing to make children 'bully-proof', head warns


Question 1
a) FALSE “ Children are being seen as victims instead of being taught to stand up for themselves”
b) TRUE “ schools have been encouraged to develop detailed structures to log incidents, hold perpetrators to account and create pastoral systems to deal with pupils’ personal needs. “
c) TRUE “ Almost four-in-10 have been affected by cyber-bullying”
d) TRUE “Children still need to learn appropriate values and strategies in order to cope when they leave school and encounter bullies in the workplace and communities.”

Question 2

a) Families are failing to help their children fight against bullying because they are overprotecting them by making them the centre of everyday life and not making them independent and self-confident.
b) Schools can fight back bullying by keeping a record of the incidents; they can also make offenders confess and create groups to tackle the students' needs.

Question 3

a) encouraged / (to) encourage
b) (to) deal with
c) (to) cope

Question 4

a) If families didn't allow their sons and daughters to be “centre-stage”, they wouldn't be failing to “bully-proof” them.
b) Authorities have encouraged schools to develop detailed structures to log incidents.
c) The Government said that half of children said they had been bullied at school at some point in their lives.

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