miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017

Rephrasing 9

Complete the sentences without changing their original meaning. 
1.   People think he’s a brilliant musician.
     He ...........................................................................................................  .
2.   The organisers of the event will provide the refreshments.
     The refreshments ........................................................................................  .
3.   He didn’t tell me the truth.
     I ..............................................................................................................  .
4.   The airline gave each passenger a free ticket.
     A free ticket ................................................................................................  .
5.   You didn’t give Sam a chance to speak.
     Sam .........................................................................................................  .
6.   Someone painted our flat.
     We ..........................................................................................................  .
7.  Have you set the table?
     Has ..................................................................................................................  ?
8.  We have to put the meat in the oven by 7 o’clock.
     The meat ............................................................................................................  .
9. Their rooms aren’t kept tidy.
     They .................................................................................................................  .
10. Everyone knew that that road was dangerous.
     That road  ......................................................................................................... .         


1. He is thought to be a brilliant musician.
2.   The refreshments will be provided by the organisers of the event.
3.   I wasn’t told the truth (by him).
4.   A free ticket was given to each passenger.
5.   Sam wasn’t given a chance to speak.
6.   We had / got our flat painted.
7.   Has the table been set
8.  The meat has to be put in the oven by 7 o’clock
9.   They don’t keep their rooms tidy
10. That road was known to be dangerous

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