miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

Rephrasing 7

Complete the second sentence with ONE word so it means the same as the first one.

1. When I was a little child I used to play with teddy bears.
When I was a little child I ________________ play with teddy bears

2. How much is it?
How much does it ________________?

3. They started studying English six years ago.
They’ve been studying English ________________ six years.

4. She said: “Let’s dance!”
She ________________ dancing.

5. Students aren’t allowed to use their mobile phones in the  library.
Students ________________ use their mobile phones in the  library.

6. When they arrived, I was watching TV.
They arrived ________________ I was watching TV.

7. John is fatter than Paul.
Paul is ________________ than John.

8. I won’t go to the party if Ann doesn’t go.
I won’t go to the party ________________ Ann goes.

9. I never  used to wear jeans.
I ________________ use to wear jeans.

10.  He missed the train because he arrived late.
He arrived late ________________ he missed the train.

11. If I were you, I’d go on a diet.
You ________________ go on a diet

12. I’ve known him for ten years.
I’ve known him ________________ 2006.

13. The room was so dark that I couldn’t see anything.
It was ________________ a dark room that I couldn’t see anything.

14. There isn’t much milk left.
There is ________________ milk left.

15.My brother isn’t as tall as me.
My brother is ________________ than me.


  1. Would
  2. Cost
  3. For
  4. Suggested
  5. Mustn’t
  6. While
  7. Less
  8. Unless
  9. Didn’t
  10. So
  11. Should
  12. Since
  13. Such
  14. Little
  15. Shorter

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