miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Smartphones and tablets need 'bedtime mode' to improve children's sleep


Question 1

            a) FALSE “Manufacturers have started making bigger, brighter, bluer screens in an effort to increase the efficiency of our screens”
            b) FALSE” using our devices before bedtime could even affect our performance during the day” or “ this light is affecting our sleep and productivity”.
            c) TRUE “exposure to this blue light changes our body's natural rhythms”
                          “In comparison, the same book read in electronic format will provide a very different light signal with biological effects"
            d) FALSE "All hardware devices should have an automatic “bedtime mode” that shifts blue and green light emissions to yellow and red as well as reduces backlight/light intensity,"

Question 2

                a) -reduces melatonine (hormone that tells us when to sleep) / -increases alertness
            b) -keeping devices outside the bedroom / -downloading apps to adjust display colour

Question 3

a)     restless
b)       point out
c)     performance
            d)   rhythm
            e)   push

Question 4

a)     This type of light will probably cause the most disruption to sleep.
b)    As an unwanted byproduct, our sleep and productivity is being affected by light.
c)     If devices like the iPhone, iPad and Kindle did not emit a blue light, our sleep would not be restless and disrupted.

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