miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Multitasking: a myth or an advantage?


Question 1

a.     True. “You’ve probably heard that men are supposedly incapable of multitasking
b.   True. “after all, we’re often encouraged to think of multitasking as a good thing, particularly at work.”
c.  False.” when individuals attempted to perform two or more related tasks simultaneously, it took them far longer—sometimes up to twice as long--to complete both than it did when they worked through the tasks sequentially.”
d.  True.” … multitasking is accompanied by the release of stress hormones and adrenaline, making us feel ‘wired’. In time, such behaviour may even lead to lapses in short term memory.”

Question 2

a.  Since the brain is incapable of focusing on one task 100% when multitasking, this can result in errors in work, a lot of stress as well as a loss of time.
b.    You shouldn’t let your mobile pone, emails or messages  interrupt you while you focus on a particular task because it will take you longer to go back to go back to it.

Question 3

a.     Encouraged / to encourage
b.    Unaware
c.     Attempted  / to attempt
d.    Release  / to reléase

e.     downside

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