martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Michelangelo's David 'has weak ankles and could collapse'


Question 1
            a) False. “The tests by the National Research Council and Florence University confirmed what has long been feared – that the celebrated work has been weakened over the centuries by its great weight.” 
            b) False. “and also on the poor quality marble from which Michelangelo sculpted it.”
            c) True. “ The statue stood in Florence's Piazza della Signoria, exposed to the elements, for more than 350 years.”
            d) True. “ as a symbol of the Florentine Republic's commercial and military strength and its capacity, despite its small size, to ward off bigger neighbouring  states.”

Question 2
            a) The statue has been damaged by the lots of tourists who have visited it and by the traffic. In addition, the sculpture suffered the effects of the climate for long times, which together with the bad quality of its material make it weak.
            b) People have proposed to take the statue away from the centre of Florence and place it in a special museum which could resist earthquakes and far from cars and road works.

Question 3
a)     Confirmed /  to confirm
b)     To flock
c)      Bears /  to bear
            d)   removed  /  to remove
            e)  commissioned  /  to commission

Question 4
a)     David is in danger of collapse since it has weak ankles.
b)     They want the statue to be removed and placed it in a museum.
c)      It took Michelangelo three years to create the statue of David.

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