martes, 3 de marzo de 2020

All new cars in the EU could have speed limiters and breathalyzers as of 2022

Resultado de imagen de breathalyzers as of 2022

     The European Union has agreed on new rules stating that all cars built after May 2022 and sold in the European Union will have built-in speed limiters, as well as breathalyzers that won't allow driving if the driver is intoxicated. The European Parliament is expected to ratify the new regulations in September. The UK, which may not be part of the European Union by then, will nevertheless adopt the new rules as well. 

     The list of new mandatory safety features for cars is actually much longer, and includes some increasingly common features like lane-keeping assistance, advanced emergency braking, a built-in data recorder, drowsiness and distraction monitoring, and camera/sensors help when reversing. 

      "With the new advanced safety features that will become mandatory, we can have the same kind of impact as when the safety belts were first introduced. Many of the new features already exist, in particular in high–end vehicles. Now we raise the safety level across the board, and pave the way for connected and automated mobility of the future. But the features that will likely get the most attention are "alcohol interlock installation facilitation" and "intelligent speed assistance." The former typically requires the driver to blow into an in-car breathalyzer before starting the car. If the driver's alcohol level is too high, the car simply won't start. The details of the system that will be mandatory in EU cars are scarce at this point. The latter feature uses GPS as well as a built-in sign recognition system to detect if the car is going over the speed limit. Then the system will warn the driver and automatically slow down the car. However, the driver will be able to override this by pushing on the accelerator pedal. 

1. Read the text and say if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. Write down which part of the text justifies your answer (2 points)

1. All cars in Europe will have a speed-limiting device in 2022.
2. In Scotland, in 2022, a new car will have to follow the new regulations.
3. Cars will include a gadget to check if the driver is sleepy.
4. Once the car has reduced its speed, it won't be possible to speed up.

2. Answer the following questions in your own words according to the text.(2 points)

1. Which cars will have to follow the new rules?
2. What will be the most significant systems fitted to cars?

3. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond to the definitions given. (1.5 points)

  1. drunk (p.1)        2. compulsory (p.2)       3. condition of being half-asleep (p.2)
  4. insufficient (p.3)           5. reverse (p. 3)   

4. Choose the most suitable answer (a,b,c or d) according to the text. (1.5 points)

1. The new rules will apply

a. only in the UK
b. all over the European Union
c. in September 2022
d. before February 2022

2. Cars in Europe will have
a. many of the futures that all cars already have now
b. a system to control alcohol drinking
c. new light technology
d. new reverse gears

3.     If the driver is going too fast
a.    He will lose his license
b.    The police will fine him
c.    He will have to buy a new car
d.    The new built-in system will make the car reduce the speed.


Question 1

a. False." The European Union has agreed on new rules stating that all cars built after May 2022 and sold in the European Union will have built-in speed limiters.."
b. True. " The UK, which may not be part of the European Union by then, will nevertheless adopt the new rules as well."
c.  True. " The list of new mandatory safety features for cars is actually much longer, and includes.... drowsiness and distraction monitoring."
d. False          " ...the system will warn the driver and automatically slow down the car. However, the driver will be able to override this by pushing on the accelerator pedal."

Question 2
a. Those cars that ,being for sale in the European Union, will have been made after May 2022.
b. The most significant systems will be a device to control the driver´s alcohol intake before starting to drive and something to check that the car is not going too fast.

Question 3
        1. intoxicated  2. mandatory  3. drowsiness  4. scarce
        5. override

Question 4

       1.b  2.b 3.d

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