martes, 14 de enero de 2020


Complete the sentences with the words below and the correct form of make or do.

plans • money • (one’s) best • an appointment • the shopping • a favour

1. She …………………… some …………………… last summer, but not enough to buy a car.
2. He forgot to buy eggs when he …………………………… .
3. I promise that I’ll …………………… my …………………… to be there on time tomorrow.
4. There’s no need to …………………………… at the clinic.
5. I haven’t …………………… any …………………… for the weekend.
6. John …………………… me …………………………… and helped me paint my room.


1. made … money
2. did the shopping
3. do … best
4. make an appointment
5. made … plans
6. did … a favour

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