miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

A pill that has similar effects to exercising to be a reality soon

Not a fan of gymming? Then, you may be happy to know that scientists may be one step closer to developing a pill that delivers the same health benefits as a work out. Everyone knows that exercise improves health, and research continues to uncover increasingly detailed information on its benefits for metabolism, circulation, and improved functioning of organs such as the heart, brain, and liver. With this knowledge in hand, scientists may be better equipped to develop ‘exercise pills’ that could mimic at least some of the beneficial effects of physical exercise on the body, but a review of current development efforts ponders whether such pills will achieve their potential therapeutic impact, at least in the near future.
Researchers have recognized the need for exercise pills for some time and this is an achievable goal based on their improved understanding of the molecular targets of physical exercise, says coauthor Ismail Laher of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Several laboratories are developing exercise pills, which at this early stage are being tested in animals to primarily target skeletal muscle performance and improve strength and energy use–essentially producing stronger and faster muscles.                                  
But of course the benefits of exercise are far greater than its effects on only muscles.
Clearly people derive many other rewarding experiences from exercise, such as increased cognitive function, bone strength, and improved cardiovascular function, adding that it is unrealistic to expect that exercise pills will fully be able to substitute for physical exercise at least not in the immediate future. While exercise pills may provide some benefits for people in the general population, they might be especially helpful for those who are unable to exercise for a variety of reasons.

A Can you find synonyms for these words in the text?
2.Training, exercise
3.To reveal

B Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?
1.  All the information about the benefits of exercise has already been revealed.
2. It is clear to all the researchers that exercise pills will have the effect they are supposed to have.
3. The new pills are being used just now to make animal muscles stronger.
4.  Researchers have discovered how exercise affects our molecules.
5  People shouldn´t use the pills as a complete substitute for real work out.

A 1. Benefits      2. Work out    3. To uncover     4. Stage      5. Fully
B 1. False       2. False      3. True       4. True        5. True

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