miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016

We think pretty people are smarter


Question 1

a.  False. “Society has taught us two crucial - and contradictory - codes to live by: ‘Never judge a book by its cover’ and ‘first impressions last a lifetime.’ Yet new research shows that first impressions may be misleading.”
b.   False. “He took photos of 100 students at the University of St. Andrews, ensuring that they were standardised by only picking those who wore no jewellery, wore neutral expressions and were Caucasian.”
c.  True. “We automatically assume that attractive people are more intelligent.”
d.  False. “The implications of this study are quite severe when real world situations are taken into account.”

Question 2

a Dr. Talamas chose 100 photographs of university students. He made sure they were white, had no accessories and showed no special feelings.
 First impressions influence the way we react towards other people not only in our personal relationships in the family but also in public life.

Question 3

a. Misleading
b. Rated
c.  Actual
d. Bias
e. Taken into account / to take into account

Question 4

a. We have been taught two crucial codes to live by by society.
b. He said that the power of first impressions was critical and had been shown to influence our opinion.
c. If Noah had made a good impression on the employer, he would have got the job.

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