miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

British and American English 16

The American words in the sentences below are printed in italics. Replace each American word or phrase with a British word or phrase from the following list:

Petrol         jam        specialize (university studies)      garden      windscreen       
Lift         shops    maths (mathematics)         university           cinema        rubbish underground       Petrol station
Note     queue   secondary school          ground floor      sweets      autumn

  1. We had to stand in line at the movie theater last night.
  2. Our back yard looks lovely in the fallThe leaves on the trees turn brown and red.
  3. He wants to major in math at college when he leaves high school.
  4. When you stop for gas at a gas station, they sometimes clean your windshield.
  5. We had to buy a lot at the stores, then we took the subway home.
  6. The elevator’s broken down again, but it doesn’t matter. We live on the first floor.
  7. She likes candy and bread and butter with jelly on it. They’re bad for her teeth.
  8. The only money I have is a twenty dollar bill.
  9.  In this district they only collect the garbage once a week.

1.  Queue … cinema    
2. Garden .. autumn     
3. Specialize … maths … university…secondary school   
4. Petrol .. petrol station .. windscreen
5. Shops…underground
6.  Lift … ground floor
7. Sweets … jam             
8. Note               

9. rubbish

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