martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Can you order this Halloween vocabulary as it appears in the video?
All Hallows’ Eve
All Saints Day
Bobbing for apples
Food and wine
Mistaken for ghosts
Soul cakes
Souling and guising
Telling jokes

Match the dates to the historical events
2000 years ago                                                 All Souls Day. The origin of souling and guising
8th century                                                         Christians turned Samhain into All Saints Day
Medieval Britain                                             Family-friendly and kid-centered activities
19th century America                                     Irish and Scottish immigrants revived the traditions
1950’s America                                                6 billion dollars spent on costumes and candies
Today                                                                  Celtic festival Samhain

Can you answer these questions about the video?
What is the origin of Halloween?
What did people believe happened on October 31st?
Why did people wear masks?
Where does the word Halloween come from?
What did people get in return for soul cakes?
What did young people get in return for singing, poetry and telling jokes?

Can you order this Halloween vocabulary as it appears in the video?
Halloween / Trick-or-Treating /Parades / Bobbing for apples / Samhain / Food and wine / Mistaken for ghosts / All Saints Day / All Hallows’ Eve / Souling and guising / Soul cakes / Singing / Poetry / Telling jokes
Match the dates to the historical events

2000 years ago                                                 Celtic festival Samhain
8th century                                                         Christians turned Samhain into All Saints Day
Medieval Britain                                             All Souls Day. The origin of souling and guising
19th century America                                     Irish and Scottish immigrants revived the traditions
1950’s America                                                Family-friendly and kid-centered activities
Today                                                                  6 billion dollars spent on costumes and candies

Can you answer these questions about the video?
It was the Celtic festival called Samhain.
People believed the dead returned as ghosts.
They wore masks to be mistaken for ghosts.
It was shortened from All Hallows’ Eve to Halloween.
They prayed for their dead relatives.

They got food, wine, money and other offerings.

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