martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

New planet discovered by Stargazing Live viewer

How would you fancy discovering your own planet? Sounds a bit out of this world but that's what happened to a Stargazing Live viewer.

Science history was made last night on the BBC Two show after people watching were asked to help in the hunt for planets elsewhere in the Universe.

An amateur star spotter discovered the new planet by looking at images from Nasa's Kepler telescope online. Experts reckon it's about the size of planet Neptune in our own Solar System.

Chris Holmes, from Peterborough, was the lucky man who found the new planet. "Being involved in a project like this and actually being the one to find something is a very exciting position," he said.

Match the words below to their definitions
amateur / fancy / position / project / reckon / spotter / telescope

want to have or do something
when you do something because you enjoy it, but it is not your job
think or believe
planned set of things which are done to accomplish something
person who notices something
long tube containing lenses, which makes far-away things seem near when you look at them through it

True or false?

1. Chris Holmes owned the Kepler telescope.
2. The new planet is called Neptune.
3. The images were on the internet.
4. Chris Holmes was not excited to find the planet.
5. Chris Holmes was an amateur.
6. The new planet was in our own Solar System.
7. Only Chris Holmes was asked to look for new stars.
8. Experts don’t know how big the planet is.

Same or different?

1. discovering
a)the same as covering
b)the same as losing
c)the same as finding

2. hunt
a)the same as find
b)the same as hide
c)the same as search

3. images
a)the same as sounds
b)the same as pictures
c)the same as signals

4. lucky
a)the same as fortunate
b)the same as happy
c)the same as hopeless


fancy want to have or do something
amateur when you do something because you enjoy it, but it is not your job
reckon think or believe
project planned set of things which are done to accomplish something
position situation
spotter person who notices something
telescope long tube containing lenses, which makes far-away things seem near when you look at them through it

True or false?

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. False

Same or different?

1. finding
2. search
3. pictures
4. fortunate

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