martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

The blackbird that's turned completely white

This little blackbird might get confused if it looks in the mirror, as it's turned completely white!

It was first spotted in Rufford Abbey Country Park in Nottinghamshire four years ago. Birdwatchers say it returns each year having lost more of its dark feathers: now it's white all over as this pic from summer 2011 shows.

The bird has a condition that causes it to have no colour pigment in its feathers. Its bright colour means it's easy for predators to spot, so the park rangers are asking birdwatchers to keep an eye out for it again this year when it returns from migration - which is when birds fly to warmer climates for the winter.

Match the words below to their definitions

condition / confused / keep an eye out / migration / pigment / predators / rangeres

not able to think clearly or understand something
substance that gives something a particular colour
animals that hunt, kill and eat other animals
watch carefully for someone or something to appear
when an animal migrates, it travels to a different place when the season changes
people whose job is to protect a forest or park

True or false?

1. The blackbird lost all its feathers four years ago.
2. The blackbird spends winters in Nottinghamshire.
3. Blackbirds are not normally white.
4. The bird has not returned to the park yet this year.
5. The mirror was completely white.
6. Because it is white, the blackbird is easy to see.
7. The park rangers are predators.
8. Pigment can make feathers black.

Same or different?

1. spotted
a)the same as seen
b)the same as dotted
c)the same as caught

2. completely
a)the same as partially
b)the same as totally
c)the same as slightly

3. returns
a)the same as reverts
b)the same as leaves
c)the same as comes back

4. turned
a)the same as become
b)the same as switched
c)the same as flipped


confused not able to think clearly or understand something
condition disease
pigment substance that gives something a particular colour
predators animals that hunt, kill and eat other animals
keep an eye out watch carefully for someone or something to appear
migration when an animal migrates, it travels to a different place when the season changes
rangers people whose job is to protect a forest or park

True or false?

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. True

Same or different?

1. seen
2. totally
3. comes back
4. become

1 comentario:

Kevin Smyth dijo...

I am really interested to see the blackbird that turned completely white. I think that many people are really curious about what really happened to that blackbird. I think that everyone are waiting to see it at Notthinghamshire when it returns.