martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

Twelve giant panda cubs born in China

Twelve giant panda cubs born in China have been shown off to the public for the first time.

The furry friends were brought outside to enjoy a bit of sun at the research centre where they live.

The centre breeds the black and white bears to encourage their survival. Giant pandas are endangered animals because of forests being destroyed where they live.

The research centre was started in 1987 with just six pandas, but the new arrivals bring the total up to 108. The staff also breed red pandas and monkeys which are also threatened in the wild.

They may look small here but giant pandas can grow up to 1.8 metres in length!

Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?

1. No one has seen the panda cubs so far.
2. Pandas are endangered in the wild.
3. Giant panda cubs don’t have any fur.
4. The centre only breeds giant pandas.
5. The number of pandas at the centre has grown since 1987.
6. Giant pandas live in forests.
7. Giant panda cubs are small.
8. Giant pandas are the only type of panda.

Match the words to the definitions

arrivals survival endangered breed research

when someone or something continues to live or exist
detailed study of something
babies which have been born recently
describes animals or plants which may not exist in future because there are very few alive now
keep animals so you can produce young animals

Which word or phrase means the same as the one in italics?

a) the same as forages
b) the same as fields
c) the same as woods

a) the same as defamed
b) the same as protected
c)the same as wiped out

a) the same as discourage
b) the same as promote
c) the same as ensure

a) the same as protected
b) the same as at risk
c) the same as lost



survival when someone or something continues to live or exist
research detailed study of something
arrivals babies which have been born recently
endangered describes animals or plants which may not exist in future because there are very few alive now
breed keep animals so you can produce young animals


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