martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

The man who founded Apple, Steve Jobs, dies

Steve Jobs, the man behind gadgets like the iPod and the iPhone, has died.

The 56-year-old had been receiving treatment for cancer and stepped down as the boss of Apple in August as he had been unwell for several years.

Apple, the company he co-founded, said in a statement that it had lost "a visionary and creative genius".

Steve was also interested in animation and founded Pixar which produced films like Toy Story and Monsters Inc.

President Obama called him one of the great American innovators.

He said he was "brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it".

Earlier this year, Stephen Fry, paid tribute to him, saying his legacy would never be forgotten.

True or false?

1. Steve Jobs had headed up Apple since August.
2. Steven Fry said that Jobs’ accomplishments would be remembered.
3. Jobs was one of the people who started Apple originally.
4. President Obama had no comment on Jobs’ death.
5. The iPod and iPhone are both made by Apple.
6. Toy Story was a film made by Pixar.
7. Monsters Inc. is an animated film.
8. Stephen Fry paid tribute after Jobs died.

Match the words and the definitions

animation / creative/ gadget/ genius/ talented / tribute / visionary

small device or machine
person who can imagine what the future will be like
having original or unusual ideas
someone who is very smart
making films using drawings, not real photographs
very skilled or capable
something you say to show you respect and admire someone

What is the missing word?

The 56-year-old had been ___________ treatment for cancer.
Steve was also interested in animation and ___________ Pixar.
He had been ____________ for several years.
He said he was ____________ enough to think differently.


False / True / True / False / True / True / True / False

gadget small device or machine
visionary person who can imagine what the future will be like
creative having original or unusual ideas
genius someone who is very smart
animation making films using drawings, not real photographs
talented very skilled or capable
tribute something you say to show you respect and admire someone


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