martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Taking photos

Match each word to the correct definition:
a photograph
b photographer
c photography
d wallpaper
e portrait
f scene
g snap

1 A view that you can see in a picture.
2 A person that takes pictures with a camera.
3 A picture taken with a camera.
4 The image that appears in the background of your computer screen.
5 The process of taking pictures with a camera.
6 A photo taken without professional equipment, usually on holiday.
7 A drawing, painting or photo of someone, especially of their face only.

In Spain, people say ‘patata’ when they are posing for a photo. Do you know which word we say in English?
(Try saying ‘cheese’ – notice how your mouth opens wide!!)

1 f 2 b 3 a 4 d 5 c 6 g 7 e

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