martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Every citizen to have personal webpage

Question 1
a) False Everyone in the country is to be given a personalised webpage … to give every voter a unique identifier …
b) False The Prime Minister has previously hailed the potential for the internet to slash costs
c) True .. plans to give every voter a unique identifier allowing them to …. book GP appointments,
d) True Questions have also been raised about the impact on some older people unable to use the internet.

Question 2
a) They will be able to contact their doctor about illnesses and treatment or to speak to their children’s teachers about their education.
b) Trade union leaders have expressed their concerns that numerous people who work in public administration will lose their jobs and have mentioned that in the past, the Government has had problems when dealing with people’s information.

Question 3
a) to unveil
b jobless
c) record

Question 4
a) Processing documents electronically is far cheaper than processing paper documents.
b) Job centres and offices may close because of/as a result of the changes in the way official documents are handled.
c) If the plan goes ahead, billions of pounds could be saved by the government.

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