viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Texting is closer to speech than written word


Question 1
a) FALSE “people text in the same way as if they were talking, using unnecessary words such as 'oh', 'erm'”
b) TRUE “the ability to abbreviate and change the way words were written shows a deep understanding of the fundamentals of speech, spelling and grammar”
c) FALSE “abbreviations were much less common than popularly thought”
d) FALSE “texts are much more about maintaining and building relationships rather than passing on facts”
“They tend to include a lot of information which is irrelevant but entertaining”

Question 2
a) She examined the way people texted with regards to grammar, spelling and abbreviations in messages sent by 235 people between 18 and 65. She studied about 11,000 messages, which had 190,000 words all together with an average of 17.5 words each.
b) She thinks texting is just a new way of communication in which people are able to manipulate the language. What’s more, people are both creative and expressive when texting.

Question 3
a) gain
b) enhancing
c) deep

Question 4
a) She said that there was a panic about the effect of text messaging and people were genuinely worried about it but she didn't think they should be
b) Text messaging is believed to be destroying the art of communication
c) She said “The way people write words shows a deep understanding of the fundamentals of speech, spelling and grammar.

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