viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Buy Nothing Day

Question 1

a) TRUE “... and to remind them that they shouldn’t be slaves to material possessions.”
b) FALSE “On Buy Nothing Day, activists organise various free and creative forms of entertainment to prove to people that it is possible to have fun without spending money.”
c) TRUE “Activists also pass out colourful booklets and stick up posters to encourage people to think twice about the dangers of consumerism. “
d) FALSE “... , and they want people to fight materialism with imagination and creativity all year round.”

Question 2

a) Buy Nothing Day was created because people felt the need to express their rejection of materialism and consumerism and wanted to encourage others to spend less money and enjoy having fun more.

b) On Buy Nothing Day, activists prepare interesting things for people to do or watch free of charge, to make them realise that having fun does not always have to cost money. They also distribute advertising literature to make people aware of the problems of consumerism and some even destroy their credit cards as a protest against over-spending.

Question 3

a) say no
b) pass out
c) exempt

Question 4

a) We had our products advertised on TV.
b) A special TV commercial has also been produced by Buy Nothing Day campaigners in the United States.
c) They told people not to buy anything unless they really needed it.

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