martes, 19 de marzo de 2019

Fill in the blanks

Tell me somethin', girl
Are you happy in this ............... world?
Or do you need more?
Is there somethin' else you're ................... for?
I'm falling
In all the good times I .............. myself
Longin' for change
And in the bad times I ................myself

Delete the word which you don't hear
Tell me something, boy
Aren't you tired of tryin' to fill that void?
Or do you need any more?
Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?
I'm falling down
In all of the good times I find myself
Longing for a change
And in the bad times I fear of myself
Correct the wrong word
I'm out the deep end, watch as I dive on
I'll never hit the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can't hide us
Where far from the shallow now

In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow
We're far…


Tell me somethin', girl
Are you happy in this modern world?
Or do you need more?
Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?

I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself
Longin' for change
And in the bad times I fear myself

Tell me something, boy
Aren't you tired (of) tryin' to fill that void?
Or do you need (any) more?
Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?

I'm falling (down)
In all (of) the good times I find myself
Longing for change
And in the bad times I fear (of) myself

I'm (out) off the deep end, watch as I dive (on) in
I'll never (hit) meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can't (hide) hurt us
(Where) We're far from the shallow now

In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
We're far

Star Wars fans applaud movie release slowdown

Resultado de imagen de Star Wars fans applaud movie release slowdownResultado de imagen de EBAU
              Plans by Disney to slow down the release of future Star Wars projects are getting a thumbs up from fans, who also hope that new movies in the multi-billion dollar sci-fi franchise will be more creative. In an unexpected admission that the slew of Star Wars films and spinoff projects may be causing fan fatigue, Walt Disney chief executive Bob Iger said it had been a mistake to release a new movie every year.
"I think the mistake that I made - I take the blame - was a little too much, too fast", Bob Iger told The Hollywood Reporter in an interview published on Thursday. "You can expect some slowdown, but that doesn't mean that we're not going to make films, so I think we're going to be a little more careful about volume and timing", Iger added.
Scott Collura, executive editor of entertainment website IGN, called the slowdown "a win for fans," recalling the anticipation in the past when there were long gaps between movies."It won't kill us to not have a new Star Wars film in 2020," Collura wrote in an opinion piece.
Since 2015, Disney has released two of three planned movies based around characters originated by director George Lucas in 1977, and two standalone films. Iger's comment followed a disappointing reception for May release Solo: A Star Wars Story, an origin story about smuggler Han Solo.
In the past year, Disney has also announced a live-action series for its planned streaming service, a series of feature films written by the creators of television show Game Of Thrones, and another film trilogy bringing in new characters.
Many fans have failed to embrace the younger generation of characters, like Daisy Ridley's feisty Rey and John Boyega's rebel stormtrooper Finn in The Force Awakens. "No one gives a flip about Rey, Poe or Finn (the new generation characters)," commented user CMO175 on the Hollywood Reporter comments page, he also complained about the fate of Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi. Others said the movies had become too politically correct while some complained that the plots had become stale.
"Maybe having film releases spaced out a little more will give authors and artists some creative breathing room," wrote Darth Nobunaga on the fan forum.


Question 1: [2,5 POINTS] Indicate whether the following statements are true or false and write down which part of the text justifies your answer.
  1. Star Wars admirers agree to release movies more often.
  2. Bob Iger thinks that they won`t probably continue filming Star Wars movies after fans disappointment.
  3. A long time ago these movies were released at longer intervals of time
  4. Enthusiastic followers haven’t come to like the newest characters.
  5. User CMO175 showed his approval to the final destiny of Luke Skywalker

Question 2: [ 2 POINTS]
  1. Why does Disney want to slow down the release of new Star Wars films?
  2. How have Star Wars fans received the last generation of characters?
Question 3: [1,5 POINTS] Find words or phrases in the text that correspond to the words and definitions given.

  1. Pile (paragraph1)
  2. Concerned (paragraph 2)
  3. Leisure (paragraph 3)
  4. Welcome (paragraph 6)
  5. Grumble (paragraph 6)
Question 4 [1, POINT] Choose the most suitable answer (a,b,c or d) according to the text and write down your answer
  1. Star wars fans think
  1. the new movies should contain original ideas
  2. new Star Wars movies are very slow
  3. Disney productions don´t care about future Star Wars projects
  4. more money should be spent on Star Wars movies
  1. Scott Collura affirms that
  1. there will be a new Star Wars movie before 2020
  2. the movie release slowdown will please Star wars fans
  3. fans will not accept the idea of not having a new movie until 2020
  4. in the past Star Wars movies were filmed every year
  1. Since 2015
a Disney has released two movies directed by George Lucas
b Disney has released three movies based on Star Wars characters
c two movies with characters designed by George Lucas have been first shown
d Disney has only produced a movie about Han Solo.
  1. Some new generation characters
  1. have had a great success in the last years
  2. are similar in popularity to the first movies characters
  3. have not raised interest among fans
  4. have been created by the creators of Game of Thrones

Question 5 [ 3 points] Write a short essay on the following topic. What is your opinion about producing popular movies sequels or spin-offs ?



  1. False. Plans by Disney to slow down the release of future Star Wars projects are getting a thumbs up from fans
  2. False "You can expect some slowdown, but that doesn't mean that we're not going to make films,
  3. True ," recalling the anticipation in the past when there were long gaps between movies.
  4. True Many fans have failed to embrace the younger generation of characters
  5. False. , he also complained about the fate of Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi.

Question 2
  1. Disney wants to slow down the release of new Star Wars films because they have realised that they are overwhelming fans with so many new movies. Fans complain about the lack of creativity and Disney producers recognise it is mistake to make so many movies in a short time and also they haven´t obtained the benefits they expected.
  2. Some fans have received the last generation without excitement, they consider them simple or uninsignificant.

Question 3
  1. Slew
  2. Careful
  3. Entertainment
  4. Embrace
  5. Complained

Question 4
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. C

Why these €50 sneakers are the latest craze in Spanish fashion

Resultado de imagen de Why these €50 sneakers are the latest craze in Spanish fashion
They can be seen in universities, in the upmarket areas of large cities and even at the crowded concerts of Spain’s most popular musicians. They are Pompeii: the canvas and leather sneakers of striking pastel colors, and they have become a signature brand in a market driven by young people who are increasingly drawn to the concept of “smart-casual” attire.
Behind the brand are four 25-year-old Madrileños. Friends since high school, they were at university when they began contemplating the idea of setting up a business. They have come to the world of fashion from slightly unconventional backgrounds: three of them pursued degrees in business administration and the fourth studied industrial engineering.
For them, the pastel colors and leather laces are the key identifying features of their sneakers. “We wanted to make a shoe that you could wear every day, to work, to the grocery store, but one that could still give you personality through its design,” says Jaime Garrastazu, one of the founding partners. “We saw that leather laces made them into a smarter shoe, depending on the design and the colour of the sole. It gives them that vitality and sense of fun, which was a perfect balance.“It’s the latest evolution in canvas shoes,” says Daniel García, an expert in men’s fashion. “Many influences come together in this product: classic tennis shoes (like Superga, for example), skater shoes (Vans), and summer sneakers (Victoria). The leather laces also make them similar to boat shoes.”
The Pompeii catalog is made up of small variations – canvas or leather exteriors, with or without laces, espadrille or rubber soles – all of which rest on the same theme: “Their success lies in having come up with a series of designs that reinvent the sneaker,” explains Arturo Gil, expert in fashion and beauty with the website The Adonis Lab . And their clientele is ecstatic with the mix: “They’re comfortable, they stand out, even if you’re dressing casually, and on top of that, it’s a Spanish brand,” says José María, a 22-year-old architecture student.
Perhaps another key to Pompeii’s success is that these shoes will not break the bank. One pair runs to €50, and shoes from the summer collection cost just €35.
Adapted from El País English Edition 17 July 2017
Question 1: indicate whether the following statements are true or false and write down which part of the text justifies your answer.

  1. The designers belonged to the world of fashion.
  2. Pompeii shoes are both elegant and informal.
  3. Everything about these shoes is absolutely original.
  4. Some people are proud of the sneakers' being Spanish.
  5. The only drawback to Pompeii is their price.
Question 3: Find words or phrases in the text that correspond to the words and definitions given.
  1. expensive (p.1)
  2. attractive, impressive (p.1)
  3. more and more (p.1)
  4. think about (p.2)
  5. kind of cloth (p.3)
  6. consist (p.4)
  7. delighted (p.4)
  8. be noticed (p.4)
  9. in addition (p.4)
  10. be too expensive (p. 5)
Question 1
  1. False. "They have come to the world of fashion from slightly unconventional backgrounds: three of them pursued degrees in business administration and the fourth studied industrial engineering. "
  2. True. “We saw that leather laces made them into a smarter shoe, depending on the design and the colour of the sole. It gives them that vitality and sense of fun, which was a perfect balance."
  3. False. "“Many influences come together in this product: classic tennis shoes (like Superga, for example), skater shoes (Vans), and summer sneakers (Victoria)"
  4. True. “They’re comfortable, they stand out, even if you’re dressing casually, and on top of that, it’s a Spanish brand,” says José María, a 22-year-old architecture student."
  5. False. " these shoes will not break the bank. One pair runs to €50, and shoes from the summer collection cost just €35."
Question 2
  1. upmarket
  2. striking
  3. increasingly
  4. contemplating / to contemplate
  5. canvas
  6. is made up
  7. ecstatic
  8. stand out / to stand out
  9. on top of that
  10. break the bank


Complete the sentences with a suitable word to show that you understand the meaning of the words in bold.

1. In a supportive environment, people …………………… each other.
2. Our business made a bigger profit than we had expected, so we were …………………… .
3. He’s a very reliable worker. You can …………………… him.
4. I’m under pressure at the moment. That’s why I’m very …………………….
5. The job applicant was highly skilled, so we were very …………………… .


1. help    2. pleased    3. trust   4. tense   5. impressed

Phrasal Verbs

Resultado de imagen de phrasal verbs

Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs below. Make any necessary changes.

set off • watch out • take off • turn back • give up • run out of

1. The class …………………………… on the school trip at 7.00 this morning.
2. Dad sent me to the shops because we …………………………… sugar.
3. I …………………………… ! I don’t understand this homework.
4. Jerry didn’t want to …………………………… , but he was too tired to continue walking.
5. The weather was bad so our plane …………………………… two hours late.
6. …………………………… for hot pots while you are cooking. You may get burnt.


1. set off   2. had run out of   3. give up   4. turn back   5. took off   6. Watch out

martes, 5 de marzo de 2019

10 Singapore Laws You Won’t Believe

What laws do you think they are? What do you think?

Now watch the video.

Have you got any of these laws in mind?

Complete the chart. What punishment do you have if you break the law?

10.- Elevator urination
9.- Not flushing
8.- Musical annoyance
7.- Jaywalking
6.- spitting in public
5.- Kite disruption
4.- Stealing Wi-Fi
3.- Selling gums
2.- Graffiti
1.- Using drugs


10.- Get stuck in the elevator until the police arrives.
9.-Fine of $ 150 (although it is hard to prove)
8.- Fine of $1.000 or 3 months in jail
7.- Fine of $20 on the spot with an additional $1.000 or 3 months in jail.
6.-Fine of $1.000
5.-Fine of $5.000 if it disrupts public transit.
4.- It is considered hacking. Fine of $10.000, or 3 years in jail, or both.
3.- Fine $100.000 or two years in prison. Unless it is medical.
2.- Fine $15.000 and 3 years in jail.
1.- If you enter drugs a fine $20.000 and 10 years in prison. If you have drugs in your system it can be a death penalty.

Mixed vocabualry

Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in bold.
     1. Mary slowed down when she saw the children at the corner.
         a. She stopped driving.
         b. She didn’t drive as fast as before.
      2. Professor Higgins went on a worldwide lecture tour.
         a. He lectured about many countries.
         b. He travelled to many countries.
      3. The performance was delayed because the singer hadn’t arrived.
         a. The performance started late.
         b. The performance started on time.
      4. Please use the exit on the left side of the room.
         a. Enter the room through the left door.
         b. Leave through the left door.
      5. Cautious drivers are rarely involved in accidents.
         a. They drive carefully.

         b. They drive dangerously.


1. b  2. b  3. a  4. b  5. a


Read the defitions for these common phrasal verbs with "LOOK" and then complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verbs

look after – to take care of
look for – to search, seek
look into- to investigate
look up- to find the meaning of a new word in your dictionary
look down on - to think that someone is less important than you
look up to – to admire and respect someone
look back – to remember something that happened in the past

  1. That athlete is a role model for teenagers to_________________
  2. While her neighbour was in hospital, Rachel __________________her baby
  3. Detetectives_________________ the recent murder downtown.
  4. Some students in my class are so proud of themselves that they always______________ the rest of their classmates
  5. I _________________ my passport for more than two hours but I haven’t found it yet.
  6. I’m not sure about the meaning of this word, I __________________ in a dictionary.
  7. Every time I see this picture I can’t avoid_______________ at my childhood


  1. look up to
  2. looked after
  3. are loooking into
  4. look down on
  5. have been looking for
  6. will look it up
  7. looking back

Is owning a dog good for your health?

     Dogs really are our best friends, according to a Swedish study that says canine ownership could reduce heart disease. A study of 3.4 million people between the ages of 40 and 80 found that having a dog was associated with a 23% reduction in death from heart disease and a 20% lower risk of dying from any cause over the 12 years of the study. Previous studies have suggested dogs relieve social isolation and depression – both linked to an increased risk of heart disease and early death.
     Dog owners show better responses to stress , have higher levels of physical activity and slightly lower cholesterol levels. The American Heart Association was sufficiently swayed by a review of dozens of studies to release a statement in 2013 saying that owning a dog “was probably” associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Their reluctance to more strongly endorse dog ownership is because most studies are what is called observational – researchers note an association, but can’t prove causation. This means that other factors might explain why dog owners are healthier than, say, goldfish owners – for example, perhaps only people who are fit in the first place buy pets that need daily walkies.
     Tove Fall, an epidemiologist and the lead author of this latest study, says they tried their best to allow for any differences in education, existing ill-health and lifestyles between those with and without dogs. The study found the biggest positive impact of having a dog was on people living alone. “It seems that a dog can be a substitute for living with other people in terms of reducing the risk of dying,” says Fall. “Dogs encourage you to walk, they provide social support and they make life more meaningful. If you have a dog, you interact more with other people. If you do get ill and go into hospital and you have a dog, there’s a huge motivation to try to get back home.”
     Of course, getting a dog and watching it from your sofa while you eat fatty food is not going to reduce your risk of heart disease. And a toy dog may look cute, but won’t have any effect either. Fall’s study showed the most health benefits came from having retrievers or pointers.

Question 1:  [2 POINTS] Indicate whether the following statements are true or false and write down which part of the text justifies your answer.
  1. This is the first time a study on the benefits of having a dog has been carried out.
  2. The American Heart Association has always stated how owning a dog definitely reduces heart disease.
  3. Having a dog improves your social life.
  4. A lot of different people took part in the study.
Question 2: `[2 points] Answer the following questions in your own words.
  1. What physical benefits do dog owners show?
  2. How does having a dog help people in their social life?
Question 3:  [1,5 POINTS] Find words or phrases in the text that correspond to the words and definitions given.
  1. lessen, reduce (par. 1)
  2. unwillingness (par. 2)
  3. principal (par. 3)
  4. help, stimulate (par.3)
  5. significant, important (par.3)


Question 1.
  1. False." Previous studies have suggested dogs relieve social isolation and depression – both linked to an increased risk of heart disease and early death."
  2. False. " The American Heart Association was sufficiently swayed by a review of dozens of studies to release a statement in 2013 saying that owning a dog “was probably” associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Their reluctance to more strongly endorse dog....."
  3. True. " Dogs encourage you to walk, they provide social support and they make life more meaningful."
  4. True. "A study of 3.4 million people between the ages of 40 and 80 found that..."

Question 2.
  1. Dog owners are more active, feel fit and enjoy walking, have good levels of cholesterol and don´t suffer much stress.
  2. Most of the people who own dogs feel less isolated and depressed; as they have to walk their dogs, they relate to other people more easily and all that gives a meaning to their life.

Question 3
  1. to relieve
  2. reluctance
  3. lead
  4. to encourage
  5. meaningful