martes, 19 de octubre de 2021


Choose TWO possible answers to complete each sentence.

1. The driver kept his eyes on

    a. the music                        b. the road                          c. the traffic light

2. The class celebrated

    a. my birthday                     b. the end of the school year c. the test

3. My friends and I hang out at … at weekends.

    a. school                            b. the shops                        c. the dance club

4. Paul’s ambition is to be …

    a. a successful soccer player b. a famous actor                c. a poor person

5. Anne is considering a career as a …

    a. chef                                b. student                           c. doctor


1.  b, c 2.  a, b 3.  b, c 4.  a, b 5.  a, c

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