martes, 27 de abril de 2021

Describing personality

Use the adjectives and the reasons to write a sentence about each of the occupations below.

curious sensitive     independent calm friendly confident

He/she has to sing to large numbers of people.

He/she has to be on his/her own, away from home a lot of the time.

He/she has to help students with their problems.

He/she should ask lots of questions, to learn about his/her subject.

He/she has to meet lots of people.

He/she has to take very quick decisions.

1. A teacher ………………….

2. A wildlife photographer ……………….

3. A student …………………..

4. An opera singer………………………….

5. A travel courier ……………………………..

6. A policeman …………………………


1. A teacher should be sensitive because he/ she has to help students with their problems.

2. A wildlife photographer should be independent because he/she has to be on his/her own, away from home a lot of the time.

3. A student should be curious because he/she should ask lots of questions, to learn about his/her subject.

4. An opera singer should be confident because he/she has to sing to large numbers of people.

5. A travel courier should be friendly because he/she has to sing to large numbers of people.

6. A policeman should be calm because he/she has to take very quick decisions.

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