martes, 23 de febrero de 2021


Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using the reporting verbs below. Make any necessary changes.

suggest • tell • advise • remind • warn • admit • complain

1. “It’s all my fault,” Olivia said.

2. “My football team has lost again,” Ethan said.

3. “You should apologise to your friend,” Sharon said.

4. “Don’t hit your brother again!” Dad said.

5. “We cleaned the kitchen,” the children said to their mother.

6. “Let’s not decide anything now,” the lawyer said.

7. “The festival starts in May, not in June,” Grace said.



1. Olivia admitted that it was all her fault.

2. Ethan complained that his football team had lost again.

3. Sharon advised me to apologise to my friend.

4. Dad warned me not to hit my brother again.

5. The children told their mother that they had cleaned the kitchen.

6. The lawyer suggested not deciding / that we not decide anything then.

7. Grace reminded me that the festival started in May, not in June.

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